What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is extremely safe and effective method of treatment that dates back to ancient history. Its efficacy and being free from side-effects is what has helped to prevail this alternative medicinal method till date.
A set of fine-sterilized needles, one-time use and disposable, are used as the primary tool in the acupuncture treatment. These thin metal needles are penetrated in the skin which help to improve body’s function and promotes self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic area.
The needles are NEVER inserted deeply enough to puncture internal organs nor bones. The tip of the needles is only inserted between one-eighth and one-quarter of an inch into the skin. You can bend them multiple times and they still won't break. After the treatment, needles are completely removed from the insertion point.
Advancement in techniques have made this treatment more reliable and risk free. Acupuncture helps to manage pain, build back immunity to stay healthy and rely less on medication.
A set of fine-sterilized needles, one-time use and disposable, are used as the primary tool in the acupuncture treatment. These thin metal needles are penetrated in the skin which help to improve body’s function and promotes self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic area.
The needles are NEVER inserted deeply enough to puncture internal organs nor bones. The tip of the needles is only inserted between one-eighth and one-quarter of an inch into the skin. You can bend them multiple times and they still won't break. After the treatment, needles are completely removed from the insertion point.
Advancement in techniques have made this treatment more reliable and risk free. Acupuncture helps to manage pain, build back immunity to stay healthy and rely less on medication.
What’s in Oriental Herbal Medicine? Made from organic substances such as plants, flowers and minerals, Oriental herbal medicines are the precursors of Western pharmaceuticals. However, unlike the allopathic medicine these herbal medicines have no side-effects and have been proven effective and safe during thousands of years of their usage.
Oriental medicinal techniques include herbal medication, moxibustion, oriental massage and oriental nutrition therapies.
It is a system of medicine that categorizes body patterns into specific types of diagnoses with corresponding treatment plans. The oriental herbal prescriptions are highly specific in their actions, temperature, and flavor and are carefully combined to treat individual needs. Herbs can be taken in pill, powder, decoction or tincture form.
Oriental medicinal techniques include herbal medication, moxibustion, oriental massage and oriental nutrition therapies.
It is a system of medicine that categorizes body patterns into specific types of diagnoses with corresponding treatment plans. The oriental herbal prescriptions are highly specific in their actions, temperature, and flavor and are carefully combined to treat individual needs. Herbs can be taken in pill, powder, decoction or tincture form.
We at King's Doctor Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
have an expertise in treating the patients with following medical conditions:
1. Musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, knee pain, muscle pain and weakness, ankle sprain and sciatica.
2. Neurological conditions like headache, migraines, postoperative pain and stroke rehabilitation.
3. Gynecological conditions such as menstrual pain, perimenopausal disorder, infertility.
4. Respiratory problems including allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma.
5. Emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness, neurosis.
6. Digestive problems like gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.
7. Dermatological such as atopic dermatitis and acne.
8. And other health issues such as irritable bladder, gout and male infertility.
have an expertise in treating the patients with following medical conditions:
1. Musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, knee pain, muscle pain and weakness, ankle sprain and sciatica.
2. Neurological conditions like headache, migraines, postoperative pain and stroke rehabilitation.
3. Gynecological conditions such as menstrual pain, perimenopausal disorder, infertility.
4. Respiratory problems including allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma.
5. Emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness, neurosis.
6. Digestive problems like gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.
7. Dermatological such as atopic dermatitis and acne.
8. And other health issues such as irritable bladder, gout and male infertility.