You will feel relaxed and energized after an acupuncture treatment.
Your energy level will rise in the hours and days following a treatment.
This means acupuncture has stirred the pot and stimulated movement throughout the meridians, a collection of acupuncture points or life lines, — and regular, steady movement throughout the meridians is ultimately what will resolve your medical conditions.
Acupuncture has very few side effects and any that do occur are usually mild and self-correcting.
They are uncommon and sometimes it causes patients to worry but these sensations are normal. Though these symptoms might be slightly uncomfortable, they are completely normal and no cause for worry:
Most health problems take more than one treatment to resolve completely.
Expect to have four to six treatments before a reassessment of your condition.
There can be subtle changes during this timeframe, which are important to review
with the practitioner at each visit to make sure the changes are satisfactory.
They are uncommon and sometimes it causes patients to worry but these sensations are normal. Though these symptoms might be slightly uncomfortable, they are completely normal and no cause for worry:
- Mild headaches or fatigue: These symptoms are not a sign that anything is wrong. Acupuncture is a cleansing and balancing of the whole body. As you heal, these symptoms will pass, and you will begin to feel better. After your session, you may feel tired for up to 3 days. During this time, your body is cleansing and eliminating the toxins and poisonous waste that builds up in the blood stream. Fatigue is part of the normal healing process, and can be a positive sign that acupuncture is working. I encourage you to relax and take it easy for the first 1-3 days.
- Itching and slight aching: Some people experience itchiness or soreness at or around the sites where the acupuncturist inserted needles. Occasionally, the sensation of itchiness or achiness can manifest in areas of the body where no needling occurred. This is because acupuncture needles trigger points that can move QI energy in other parts of the body. A bigger trigger point release can potentially cause residual soreness for a few days.
- Muscle twitches or “flutterings”: Occasionally, patients will feel muscle twitches or a “fluttery” sensation at or around area where the acupuncturist inserted needles. These involuntary muscular twitching can also sometimes occur in areas far from the needling site. Like feelings of soreness, these sensations are a result of circulating QI energy.
- Mild bruising or swelling at the needle point: Acupuncture works by stimulating certain points on the body with tiny needles that penetrate the skin and activate self-healing. Though the needles are extremely fine, they sometimes hit small blood vessels, causing a minor bruise to form in that area. It depends on the person, but some bruises may last several days before disappearing entirely. Though not generally too painful, little aches and pains may make themselves present after a session.
Most health problems take more than one treatment to resolve completely.
Expect to have four to six treatments before a reassessment of your condition.
There can be subtle changes during this timeframe, which are important to review
with the practitioner at each visit to make sure the changes are satisfactory.